2-Day Online Retreat

Embrace the death of the old you and step into your Authentic Self


Embrace the death of the old you and step into your Authentic Self

A Transformational 2-Day Online Retreat to Release, Renew, and Reclaim Your True Power

The world is changing and so are you.

Right now, you might feel like you're in the middle of a storm—like the ground beneath you is crumbling, and everything you've known is being stripped away. This isn't just a difficult time. It's a rebirth and it's time to embrace it.

During this 2-day immersive online retreat, you’ll be guided through a transformative process of death and rebirth.

You'll learn to let go of old identities, fears, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. On the other side of this journey, you'll step into a new version of yourself—one that is more aligned, more powerful, and more authentic.

This is your moment to reclaim your truth, to rise above the challenges, and to embrace the person you are destined to be.

Dates: Aug 31 - Sep 1

All sessions listed in Central Time

Day 1: The Death of the Old You

 - Introduction & Intention Setting

What do you want to let go?
Why are you still holding on?
Where do you want to be instead?

11:30am - Letting Go

Guided meditation to give thanks to the parts that no longer serve us. It’s time to make peace with the past and let it go with love.


1:30pm - Mindset Coaching

Identify the beliefs and fears that are holding you back and learn how to transform them with Fear Alchemy techniques.

4:00pm - The Void / Transition

Explore the unknown and infinite possibilities in stillness.
Learn how to create safety in the nothingness.


Day 2: (re)Birth Into Your Authentic Self

10:00 am -
Claim Your New Identity

Define who you truly are without the constraints of past beliefs.
Who are you now?

11:30am - Plan for Success

Many people resist success without knowing it. This will be another mindset coaching session where you'll learn how to embrace your highest level of success.


2:00 pm - Celebrate & Integrate 

Step into your new frequency identity with a powerful activation. Feel the energy of your rebirth and embody your authentic self.

3:00pm - Exclusive Q&A

This is for premium and VIP members.


You’re Feeling Lost:
You feel like your old identity is slipping away and you're not sure who you’re becoming.

Life Feels Intense: The challenges you're facing feel overwhelming and you’re struggling to keep up with the changes.

You're Ready for Transformation: You sense that something big is happening within you and around you, and you’re ready to embrace it, even if it scares you.

You’re Tired of Resistance: You know you’ve been holding on to something that no longer serves you and it’s time to let go.

You’re Seeking Clarity: You want to rediscover your true self and step into your next level with confidence and authenticity.

You Need Support: You're looking for a community and guidance to help you navigate this transformation with courage and grace.


Each tier increases in value.



every ticket comes with:

  • Full Retreat Access: including all live sessions, workshops, and group activities.
  • Retreat Workbook: with exercises and reflections to guide you through the process.
  • Community Support: access to the general retreat community for ongoing connection and support.
  • Access to Recordings: 30-day access to retreat recordings to review the content at your own pace.



everything in GENERAL, plus:

  • Exclusive Q&A Session: additional 1-hour live Q&A on Day 2 just for Premium and VIP members. ($100 value)
  • Freedom School: 6-month access to my membership community. ($264 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Recordings: Unlimited access to retreat recordings, so you can revisit the experience whenever you need it.



over $1,400 value

  • Digital Wealth Academy
    ($497 value)
  • Fear Alchemy
    ($297 value)
  • Freedom School: 12-month access to my membership community. ($528 value)
  • Integration Day: attend an exclusive session to help implement what you learn. ($100 value)


In 2019, I achieved what I thought was my dream—a six-figure director role at a finance company. But soon after, I felt an emptiness that led to heartbreak, anxiety, and depression. I took a leap of faith, quit my job without a backup plan, and faced a $40,000 debt from a risky investment.

This crisis became my rebirth. I discovered my gift for coaching and rebranded as "The Fear Guy" in 2020, launching a new business and signing my first clients within a week. My journey continued with the creation of the Fear Alchemy course, falling in love, becoming a father, and facing the challenge of providing for my family while pursuing my passion.

By 2023, I had overcome these obstacles, achieving my best financial year and helping others transform their lives. Each step was a rebirth, leading me to guide others through their own profound transformations.



Claim your new life!



  • Full Retreat Access: including all live sessions, workshops, and group activities.
  • Retreat Workbook: with exercises and reflections to guide you through the process.
  • Community Support: access to the general retreat community for ongoing connection and support.
  • Access to Recordings: 30-day access to retreat recordings to review the content at your own pace.



  • Exclusive Q&A Session: additional 1-hour live Q&A on Day 2 just for Premium and VIP members. ($100 value)
  • Freedom School: 6-month access to my membership community. ($264 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Recordings: Unlimited access to retreat recordings, so you can revisit the experience whenever you need it.



  • Digital Wealth Academy
    ($497 value)
  • Fear Alchemy
    ($297 value)
  • Freedom School: 12-month access to my membership community. ($528 value)
  • Integration Day: attend an exclusive session to help implement what you learn. ($100 value)

Learn more about the bonuses: